Related sites on the net
Visualize your azeotropic mixtures with VLE-diagrams.
Visualize your azeotropic mixtures with VLE-diagrams.
Calculation of solubility of organic solids in pure or mixed solvents. Generation of solubility tables and charts, diagrams.
Calculation of solubility of organic solids in pure or mixed solvents. Generation of solubility tables and charts, diagrams.
Calculate material flow and draw flowsheet of your chemical processes by batch process simulation.
Calculate material flow and draw flowsheet of your chemical processes by batch process simulation.
Azeotropic data on Wikipedia
Azeotrope tables of common compounds (experimental data).
Azeotrope tables of common compounds (experimental data).
Azeotropic data at DDBST
Azeotrope data of common compounds (experimental data).
Azeotrope data of common compounds (experimental data).
KDB Binary VLE Database
Vapor-liquid equilibrium of thousands of compounds (experimental data).
Vapor-liquid equilibrium of thousands of compounds (experimental data).
NIST Chemistry webbook
Physical and thermodynamic properties, UV / IR / MS spectra of more than thousand compounds.
Physical and thermodynamic properties, UV / IR / MS spectra of more than thousand compounds.
Physico-chemical properties of compounds determined experimantally and/or by calculations.
Physico-chemical properties of compounds determined experimantally and/or by calculations.